草莓派两面熊: aren't here to make things perfect, we are here to ruin our lives, break our hearts, and die.
小林:重点在于描写一个人的改变而不是描写反战所以作为一个越战电影后者的表达可能不是很深刻 没有过度丑化国内共和党人但是也采取了一定的批判态度尼克松支持者们指着镜头喊“叛徒”挺触目惊心的 你的敌人不一定是跟你意见相左的人反倒有可能是口口声声代表你的人 威廉达福依旧老兵演得非常精彩知道为什么阿汤哥从来不留胡子了稀
蜡笔小旧旧_:“如果一个人当众吻你说明那个人根本不爱你” 悬空12小时太多欺负脸盲
繁·简: black romantic comedy of all time? Hal Ashby tries for something so far-fetched, so absurd and subversive that it will only resonate with a few. Its ambition and aesthetics are reminiscent of Dadaism, while its dandy characters feel like the eccentric successors of Des Esseintes from “A Rebours” by Huysmans (1884). Dark, dead-pan humor along an artistic style & intellectual tone shape its mood - death and simulated suicide constantly hanging over. It never fades into nihilism though. Instead, Harold & Maude can be construed as an inspired parable conveying a simple but authentic philosophy of life, an ode to unbounded love and life freed from social norms & disciplinary institutions.